If your idea is to travel comfortably and easily, book your taxi transfer in Castelo Branco to cities such as Lisbon or Porto or any of its airports or another place in Portugal. Thus, you will be able to move without complications from one place to another. With just filling in the following form, we will show you the most economical price for your transfer and without any commitment.
Touring the streets of Castelo Branco will allow you to breathe the magic that still survives from the remains of its historical past, as well as enjoy the pleasant surroundings that its gardens and squares offer in its most modern part. Through its old town, you cannot avoid passing through its Praça Luís de Camões Square and stopping for a few minutes to admire the magnificent buildings that surround it, or visit its cathedral or take a trip to its castle. Any direction you undertake in the city will transmit its wealth and in places like the Cargaleiro Museum you will know its most cultural side.
For all this, Castelo Branco is worth a visit and do not waste your time worrying about issues such as where to leave the car, so a taxi will undoubtedly be the best option to get there and follow your route to your next stop.
Transfer and taxi service in Portugal from:
Portugal Travel is an organization of Portuguese agencies whose objectives are:
Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
Turismo de Portugal