Setúbal is a quarter composed by different typical natural and cultural resources.
Discover the most valuable and interesting museums and spaces where you will be able to discover the culture of this region:
Archaeology and Ethnography Museum of Setúbal
Visit the archaeological centre of Setúbal and discover the culture of the inhabitants of the Southern region of the Tejo river.
Baroque Museum of Setúbal (Casa de Corpo Santo)
If you enjoy visiting ancient art museums, you should come and discover this special Baroque Museum.
Museu do Trabalho Michel Giacometti (Work Museum)
Learn about the traditional trades of the region of Setúbal in the Museu do Trabalho Michel Giacometti.
Almada Naval Museum
Discover the history and techniques of naval construction, a typical art from this region.
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Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
Turismo de Portugal