To call a telephone number in Portugal from a foreign country you should dial 00 plus the portuguese prefix before the number itself. The portuguese prefix is 351
To call a foreign country from Portugal you should dial 00 and then the other country’s prefix followed by the telephone number. Below, you might find a list of the most common prefixes used from Portugal
Spain: 34
France: 33
Belgium: 32
United Kingdom: 44
Germany: 49
National informations telephone number: 118.
Weather forecast information: +351 218 447 000
GNR Police Phone Number: +351 213 217 000
PSP Police Phone Number: +351 213 466 141
Firefighters service: +351214 401 919
Medical Emergency: 112
Ambulances: 112
Maritime search and rescue: +351 214 401 919
Forest Protection and Fires: 117
Portugal Travel is an organization of Portuguese agencies whose objectives are:
Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
Turismo de Portugal