Soajo is a village located over the Alto Lima, known by its picturesque espigueiros. It is settled around 21 kilometres Northeast from Ponte da Barca by the N203 and the N530, at the same distance than Arcos de Valdevez by the N202 and the N304, in the Viana do Castelo district, Portugal.
This village offer wonderful views of the fields surrounding it and count with interesting tours which pass by some of the most beautiful places of the region.
It is currently possible to stay in some of its restored stone houses, which will allow you to try out an extinct way of life.
Next to it departs the path known as Trilho do Ramil, which passes between stone cabins and raccards, and offers great panoramic views.
Other closer trails are the Caminho do Pho and the Caminho do Fé, which go down from the village of Soajo to Ponte da Ladeira, a modest Medieval bridge. A little bit a little bit further up you will find some puddles fitted out for bathing.
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